Elementary Schools
Do you also feel that classroom study of Mishnah should be uplifting, experiential and fascinating? Do you also feel that it’s not enough to teach content alone, as students require skills for independent learning? The V’Shinantam Mishnah Program does all of this – it provides appropriate tools for students, according to their cognitive preparedness, alongside study of massechtot of Mishnah.
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Junior High
Do your students also struggle to learn Gemara independently? Do you aspire to seeing your students learn in chevrutot under your guidance, like in a Bet Midrash? If so, then join us! The V’Dibarta Bam Talmud Skills Program is designed to bring students to the level of independent learning within two years of study. V’Dibarta Bam is used together with the Bonayich Pirke Gemara.
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High School
Have your students reached High School without the ability to learn Gemara on their own? Frontal skills lessons are boring for students this age? Exactly for students like these, we have developed Pathways in Torah Sheb’al Peh! Thirty brief booklets, each booklet teaching one skill with sources, guiding questions, conclusions and practice in unseen sources. Your students will feel challenged and experience independent thinking, and they will progress in skills, each at his/her own rate, toward the goal of independent learning of Gemara!
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Adult learning of Torah Sheb’al Peh is growing greatly! However, many adult learners never learned HOW to learn independently. We offer two programs to help adults learn how to learn: First, a series of skills booklets called Pathways in Torah Sheb’al Peh, and second, Talmud texts designed to build independent learning through use of the skills acquired in “Pathways.”
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