Mishnah Review
You also love Mishnah? You understand that knowledge and familiarity with Mishnah is the basis of all learning of Gemara and the rest of Torah Sheb’al Peh? This project is for you!
Read MoreYou also love Mishnah? You understand that knowledge and familiarity with Mishnah is the basis of all learning of Gemara and the rest of Torah Sheb’al Peh? This project is for you!
Read MoreYou learn Gemara, and want to advance to an independent ability in your learning? You understand the words and phrases, even the lines of the Gemara, but have difficulty in “putting it together” into an overall flow of the sugyah? This project is for you!
Read MoreThe Bonayich “Index of Rabbinic Sages” is the most up to date and scientific data base of Tannaim and Amoraim. The data includes identification of every personality mentioned in Rabbinic literature, with all spelling variations of their names, identification of their generation and place of activity, their family and scholarly relationships with other personalities, and… Read more »
Read MoreThe period of the Tannaim was several hundred years long, and during this period, tens of thousands of sources were developed and passed along. Rabbi Y’hudah HaNasi carefully selected a bit more than 4000 of these sources for his Mishnah, based on the teachings he received from Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yehudah and others. Thousands of… Read more »
Read MoreHave you ever wondered about the meaning of our Rabbis’ Aggadot as found in the Talmud? Have you wanted to understand more deeply the treasures of faith and wisdom of our Rabbis? If so, this program is for you!
This programs presents an in-depth look at the Aggadot of the Rabbis, for independent study or for participation in a Daf Yomi program!